About Us arsalan March 19, 2024


From high school sweethearts, to life partners, our journey was never just about love. It was a prelude to a destiny we hadn’t yet imagined. Divergent paths in separate careers – that was our plan. But fate had a different script, blending our lives into an unforeseen entrepreneurial pursuit. Embarking on this venture over 20 years ago, Frank’s expertise in film, and my strategic corporate insights, we leaped into the unknown, founding our first creative enterprise.

Uniting the art of filmmaking & storytelling with strategic business acumen, we transformed our complementary skills into Storia. In this fusion of art and strategy, we found our magic – a unique formula driving success for each project, turning every client’s vision into an impactful story. For us, Storia has always been more than a business. It’s a testament to our love, partnership, and the power of storytelling.

Storia today is  a team of story-driven content-creators who work collaboratively with our clients from the early stage of an idea all the way to its completion. The foundation of our client relationships is built on our commitment to create beautiful work that communicates the heart of their brand, and connects with their audience.

We believe the best way to grow your business is to show your humanity – in moments that tell the story of your people, your customer, your culture, and then inviting the world to join you on your journey.

Storia has spent the last 20 years working in the film and photography industry with clients ranging from non-profit organizations, to small and mid-sized businesses and creative agencies. A small but mighty team of creative thinkers and doers, Storia’s name speaks for itself: we’re here to tell YOUR “story”.

Frank & Fiorella
Founders of Storia Photo Video

