MICHAEL GARRON HOSPITAL arsalan April 17, 2024

A Story of Authenticity and Impact

In Toronto’s East York, the challenge for Michael Garron Hospital (MGH) was clear: amidst a global nursing shortage, attract top talent in a highly competitive area. Partnering with Field Trip & Co, a Toronto based creative agency, our journey with MGH embarked on an inspiring mission: to craft a nurse recruitment video that not only showed MGH as a place to work but as a community to join, setting it apart as the employer of choice.
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The Project

Understanding the power of authenticity, our approach was founded on the principle of using real nurses from MGH rather than actors. However, the genuine portrayal of these professionals meant overcoming common apprehension of performing on camera. To mitigate this, we met with the nurses prior to filming to build rapport and understand their connections to MGH. On the day of filming, we provided on-camera coaching, focusing on natural and inviting deliveries that would connect with potential recruits. Also, filming in an operational hospital with restricted access to various areas required creative solutions to convey a sense of diversity and breadth in the hospital’s facilities without disrupting its operations.

The Result

The culmination of our efforts was a recruitment video that became the cornerston of MGH’s recruitment campaign. It not only communicated the hospital’s unique culture and dedication but also provided additional marketing material through screen-captured photos.

Our venture with Michael Garron Hospital exemplifies our passion for capturing the essence of stories through visual storytelling. The nurse recruitment video stands as a testament to the power of authentic narratives in connecting with audiences and achieving strategic objectives. At the heart of our approach lies a deep respect for the subjects of our films, an unwavering commitment to creativity, and a constant pursuit of excellence that drives us forward.