⁠⁠How to write a Video Script that drives leads arsalan March 20, 2024

⁠⁠How to write a Video Script that drives leads

Writing a script can be one of the most daunting steps to creating a video. It’s also one of the most important.

Your script makes all the difference when driving sales. It’s also a confidence booster when you get in front of the camera, helping you articulate your message.

Here’s our top tips for writing an effective script to truly connect with your audience.

Tip #1 – Start with a “Hook”

The hook is what you say within the first 5-10 second of your video to capture and hold your viewer’s attention. It’s the “why” behind your video.

Before we get to writing effective hooks, let’s talk about how NOT to start your videos. We’ve all see intros like this:

“Hi guys, it’s me again. Yup, it’s been a while. You know, life gets busy…” or “Hey, my name is ____________________. I don’t come on here often but today I just…”

The problem, it’s about the person in the video, not the audience. When creating your hook, think “what’s in it for them”.

Your hook can: be in the form of a question, introduce a problem or state a fascinating fact. And if you can, include “YOU” in the hook for instant engagement.

Tip #2 – Provide value to your audience

Let your audience know you have a clear understanding of their needs. They should feel that you are speaking directly to them – like you are able to read their mind.

Think of your ideal client and provide information that is of value to them, their problems and desires. Share your knowledge.

Here’s a few ideas:

♦️ provide a tip (eg. How to ______ more effectively.)

♦️ help them make a decision (eg. The benefits of X vs Y)

♦️ answer a question (eg. provide the answer to an FAQ.)

Share your expertise and don’t be afraid to share a lot.

Some business owners think that if they give away too much, then people won’t use their services but the opposite is true – you will build trust and be seen as the authority in your field. And when they need what you offer, you will be their “go-to” person.

Tip #3 – Write the way you speak

You’re probably thinking duh? This is obvious. But the problem is most of us don’t write and speak the same way.

Here are a few tips to help you write a script in a conversational tone:

Avoid sounding stiff and awkward by using contractions.

It’s ok to be a little wordy. For most of us, our natural way of speaking is more wordy than our writing.

Use the word “you” to engage and connect with your audience. You want them to feel like you’re having a conversation

Practice your script but don’t memorize it or read it verbatim. It works best when your script is simply an outline of what you want to cover. This allows you to deliver the information in a more natural way.

And most importantly, be yourself and have fun. It’s not about perfection.